Latest News
Training and Networking go hand In Hand
Seven cities/ regions participating in SchoolFood4Change held on-site coaching and capacity building sessions to ensure a successful implementation of the Whole School Food Approach!
We nurture peer-to-peer exchange!
In 2023, SchoolFood4Change has entered a new phase of implementation, bringing people from the participating schools and cities across Europe together for peer-to-peer exchanges. In…
Interview with Mensa Cívica and ICLEI Europe: We call for all children to have the right to a balanced diet.
SchoolFood4Change is a Europe-wide initiative aiming to ensure that all children have access to healthy and sustainable school meals. Amalia Ochoa (Coordinator of the Sustainable…
3, 2, 1, Action! Let us present the newly released SchoolFood4Change project video!
Here it is, fresh from the oven! Let us present to you the SchoolFood4Change’s introductory video, released and published in December 2022, providing you with…
“Sustainable School Food System” and “School Diets” defined
SchoolFood4Change defined the terms “sustainable school food system” (SSFS) and “healthy, sustainable school diets” (HSSD) These definitions have been missing in scientific discourse. They set the…
#meettheteam – series, part 1
In our #MeetTheTeam -Series, we introduce members of SchoolFood4Change and participants! In this part #1, we interviewed Andrea, an official SchoolFood4Change Urban Food Enabler.