Schools4Health | Innovating health and education
“Because children and youth who feel better, do better.”
This event, organised by the Schools4Health project, under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the European Council, “will explore how different stakeholders in policy and practice, across levels of governance and sectors, can work better together to optimise the contribution that schools can make to the health and wellbeing of students, the school communcity as well as the wider communities that they are in.”
SchoolFood4Change has been invited to contribute to the following afternoon session, which will be chaired by Jacob Schouenborg, Secretary General of the International Sport and Culture Association:
“Creating healthy weight environments in and around schools, with a focus on helathy nutrition and physical activity”
1.45 – 14.50pm
Peter Defranceschi, Head of ICLEI’s Brussels Office and Head of the Global CityFood Programme at ICLEI will represent SchoolFood4Change and explain how implementing the project’s Whole School Food Approach can lead to a shift towards more sustainable and healthier food in and around schools.
The event takes place in person (Hermann Teirlinck building, Tour & Taxi, Brussels (BE)) and can be followed online via livestream.
Registration is closed.
Event website: