Meaningful Involvement of Schoolchildren and Adolescents in School Food and Nutrition
SF4C, FAO and WFP are arranging the webinar series on the school food and how we can lead the change to transform the food system. The first webinar will explore how to meaningfully involve schoolchildren and adolescents in decision making, programme planning, implementation and monitoring of school food and nutrition programmes and policies.
Held in English, it is designed for school food youth activists, school food and nutrition programme planners, technicians, policy advisors, researchers and international organizations supporting governments and institutions in this area.
🎤 Speakers: Fatima Hachem, Senior Nutrition Officer and Team Leader of the Nutrition Education and Consumer Awareness Group at FAO’s Food and Nutrition Division ; Anastasia Lundqvist, Communications and Visibility Focal Point at WWF Sweden; Melissa Vargas, Technical Advisor for the Nutrition Education and Consumer Awareness Group at FAO’s Food and Nutrition Division; Peter Holtsberg, Senior Programme Policy Officer at WFP’s School Meals and Social Protection Service; Rosa Ellens, Student at Aere University; Anton Karavajev, Change Manager at Mahtra Elementary School; Linda Naa Opoku, School Food Advocate from Ghana; Moderator – Nforngwa Faustina Manka’a, School Food Youth Advocate.